
Wita Herbs was established in 2015 and operates in the medicinal and aromatic herb (MAP) sector in and beyond Korca Region. CNVP Albania has been working with the company since 2017 to improve its value chain. Whilst Prespa National Park is rich with mushrooms, the collectors used to trade with wholesalers individually, and were not linked properly to the market. CNVP organized training with producer groups to improve the quality of collection, packaging and marketing (through Prespa Marketing Organisation - PMO). CNVP also supported the mushroom collectors to link with Wita Herbs to facilitate buyer/seller meetings with which to improve joint collaboration. CNVP is helping PMO to sign a written contract with Wita Herbs for trading mushrooms. Wita Herbs will support the collectors with other facilities to improve the value chain. CNVP is also supporting the certification of Prespa National Park to increase the value of collected mushrooms and other wild plants. More than 20 tons is planned for collection in 2018, although the opportunity exists to increase this amount.