Ramadani Nehat
CNVP Executive Board Member, Country Director- North Macedonia nehat.ramadani@cnvp-eu.orgNehat holds a PhD degree in the field of rural economic development and brings us over 20 years of increasingly responsible experience in management with a particular focus on agriculture and rural development, green economy, employment, resource mobilization.
During his experience, Nehat worked with flag international development organisations, such as SNV, UNDP, USAID, GIZ, EU etc.
Lushi Xhevat
CNVP Executive Board Member-Country Director, Kosovo , Pristina Office xhevat.lushi@cnvp-eu.orgXhevat has expertise in policy analysis for and operational implementation of agri-rural, agro-environment and NRM development, including the EU integration processes related to Chapter 11 of the acquis communautaire. He has implemented donor-funded projects with CSOs covering public policies, organizational development, climate change and land management. He has worked on cross-border cooperation projects, has exp. in developing agri-businesses, rural diversification and the LEADER/LAG approach
Aliaj Anila
CNVP Executive Board Member - Country Director - Albania anila.aliaj@cnvp-eu.orgAnila is an MSD approach expert and the gender focal point for CNVP Albania. She has an extensive experience as Organizational Strengthening and Economic Development Advisor. Her areas of expertise include- Leadership and PCM, Business Development, Gender mainstreaming and Women Economic Development, Value Chain Strengthening, Rural Development, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Community Mobilisation, Advocacy and Lobbying etc. She has great communication and facilitation skills.
Male Janaq
Senior Forestry Advisor, Tirana Office janaq.male@cnvp-eu.orgJanaq specialises on integrated NRM and forestry development, including forestry and environmental legal/policy issues. His experience covers forest/pasture participatory and decentralized management, forest inventory, rehabilitation/regeneration of degraded forests, soil erosion control, forest fire prevention and nature protection/conservation, as well as project design, implementation and monitoring.
Omuri Isuf
Senior Advisor Natural Resource Management Albania, Tirana Office isuf.omuri@cnvp-eu.orgIsuf supports local forest organisations, communities and local government representatives. His skills range from technical forest management to digital data processing. His experience covers forest management, digital data processing, use of GPS/GIS techniques, participatory mapping, farmer forestry, carbon sequestration, global warming, rural development and environmental issues.
Kaba Durim
Integrated Forest Management Advisor durim.kaba@cnvp-eu.orgDurim is a forest engineer, graduated in 2003. Since then, he has been supporting local forest organisations, communities and local/national government in the sustainable management of natural resources in the region. He has experience in forest & pasture management, farmer forestry, protected areas, forest fire prevention/protection, erosion control, mapping using GPS tool & GIS/QGIS software, flora & fauna monitoring, renewable energy, conflict resolution and environmental issues.
Salkurti Hamit
Forestry and Rural Development Adviser Albania, Peshkopi Office hamit.salkurti@cnvp-eu.orgHamit has extensive experience working in Northern Albania, building teams at local level. He covers technical forest management, field evaluations, communal forestry and development of local forest organisations/rural communities. He has knowledge of NTFPs, especially nuts, rural tourism development, and the use of wood bio-mass as a renewable energy source in rural areas.
Kurtaj Hajrush
Natural Resources Management Advisor Kosovo, Prishtina Office hajrush.kurtaj@cnvp-eu.orgHajrush works on NRM, forestry, bio-diversity, environmental protection and nature conservation. He provides advice at field level, and has developed models for joint forest management. He is involved in increasing the capacities of municipalities, private owners and producer groups at national, regional and local levels. He is a good process leader, dealing with national/regional/local actors, and has good communication/facilitation skills.
Ahmeti Ramaxhiku Sebiha
Environment and Community Development Advisor, Pristina Office sebiha.ramaxhiku@cnvp-eu.orgSebiha has over 20 years’ experience within natural resource and environmental management programs with special interest in environment, climate change, social issues, civil society and communities’ engagement; and gender participation. She holds a Master degree on environmental sciences. Sebiha supports multi-stakeholder approaches, advocacy, environment and gender aspects. She is responsible for quality assurance of project interventions.
Dinaj Ardita
Rural and Economic Development and Wood Biomass Promotion Advisor, Pristina Office ardita.dinaj@cnvp-eu.orgArdita has more than 15 years of experience in the economic and rural development and natural resources management sector as well as expertise in value chain development in Beekeeping, Chestnuts, MAPs and NWFPs sector. She has experience in building capacities of stakeholders on wood biomass production and development plans for biomass heating systems at school level, promotion of wood chip production for heating and renewable energy.
Tahirukaj Egzon
Forestry Advisor Kosovo, Pristina Office egzon.tahirukaj@cnvp-eu.orgEgzon is responsible for advisory activities linked to the implementation of the SUNREED project, focusing on sustainable forest management, biomass production and renewable energy. He has a background in wood biomass, forest inventory and silviculture, and has previously worked for international projects and government institutions.
Nuhodzic Ferlin Mensura
Forestry Adviser Montenegro, Podgarica Office mensura.nuhodzic@cnvp-eu.orgMensura has experience in private forestry, wood processing, non-wood forest products, forest and wood certification, as well as wood bio-mass production and use. She has experience of developing rural SMEs and entrepreneurship for women/youth. She has been involved in developing national forest policy and programmes, including forestry-related rural development, and promoting sustainable forest management.
Sokolovska Vasilka
Regional Finance Administrator Macedonia, Skopje Office vasilka.sokolovska@cnvp-eu.orgVasilka administers CNVP Macedonia, overseeing all aspects of financial control, budget planning, variance analysis, project audits and preparation of financial statements. She provides financial leadership to CNVP’s two decentralized finance teams, and supports CNVP’s management team.
Brovina Cuperjani Arbnora
Finance Administrator Kosovo, Pristina Office arbnora.brovina@cnvp-eu.orgArbnora had worked with various sectors and institutions, architecture and reconstruction, civil society, municipalities, higher education youth and forestry, and the environment sector.
She provides financial leadership to CNVP Kosovo.
Arbnora has working experience with International Organizations since
1997. MSc Engineer of Architecture and higher education coalification in the university of East Anglia, Norich, UK.
Kaba Altin
Financial Administrator Albania, Tirana Office altin.kaba@cnvp-eu.orgAltin is responsible for the management and reporting of projects in CNVP Albania, including all financial and administration processes. He has worked as an administrator for World Bank, Sida and EU projects.
Beqiri Rozi
Financial administrator assistant rozi.beqiri@cnvp-eu.orgRozi’s experience covers finance, human resources and administration in the development and civil society sectors, working with different donors. Her good communication skills and positive attitude are used to support the Financial Administrator in CNVP Albania.
Violeta Joncevska
Public Relations and Field Officer, North Macedonia Office violeta.joncevska@cnvp-eu.orgA graduate producer by profession, Violeta has more than 15 years of experience in the field of video production, Public Relations, and marketing. She started her career in 2005 in the film industry, but soon continued her career path in the marketing industry where she worked in several large marketing agencies as a PR manager. As part of the CNVP team, she joins in November 2022, as Public Relations and Field Officer.
Zurija Memedova
Project Coordinator, North Macedonia Office zurija.memedova@cnvp-eu.orgZurija has a professional experience in project management more than 10 years. Her personal commitment is environmental protection, rural development, gender equality, building capacities and working with vulnerable groups. Currently, she is the CNVP coordinator for the ADA funded project “Integrated Forest Management along the transboundary Drin River Basin Forest Management” as well as Policy Advisor for the “CSO`s Action for climate project”, funded by the government of Sweden.
Ardian Marku
Project officer environmental/finance, North Macedonia office ardian.marku@cnvp-eu.orgArdian holds bachelor’s degree in business administration. He has expertise in grants implementation in environmental protection, agri-rural development, and financial management. He has implemented several IPA cross-border cooperation grant projects with thematic priorities on environment protection and tourism development.
Orhan Berisha
Project coordinator Kosovo, Pristina Office orhan.berisha@cnvp-eu.orgOrhan is the project coordinator for "Integrated Forest Management along the Drin River Basin" in Kosovo, a project implemented by CNVP, funded by the ADC (Austrian Development Cooperation) and ICEP. With a professional background history of 18 years, Orhan brings extensive expertise in forest management, complemented by coordination experience gained from years of working with international organizations and national government forest institutions.
Supervisory Board
Meijboom Marianne
Supervisory Board MemberMarianne has about 20 years’ experience the field of natural resource management with a focus on community-based management and Non-wood Forest Products. She holds a master’s degree from the Wageningen University. She has been a CNVP Associate Expert for 10 years and supported the organisation in numerous assignments. At present Marianne is working as policy adviser biodiversity & bee health for the Dutch Beekeepers Association in the Netherlands.
Jupe Aurel
Supervisory Board memberAurel graduated as a Medical Doctor and has a Master degree in Business Administration. His career has involved management responsibility within international government, non-government and corporate business organisations, where he has managed people and programmes while overseeing budgets and resources to achieve bottom-line results.
Bremer Maarten
Chair of Supervisory BoardMaarten has over 20 years of management and executive experience. He has been working in the field of the learning and development of people and organizations and has a special interest in change management and social innovation. He worked as regional director at SNV Balkans from 2003 – 2006. He is currently vice-president of ArtEZ University of the Arts
van Buuren Thijs
Supervisory Board memberThijs has over 25 years’ experience of financial management with special interests in internal auditing, risk management and governance. He has graduated as Controller for the Public Sector. He has worked for several internal NGOs, including SNV. He is currently Controller at Medécins sans Fontières, The Netherlands.