World Environment Day 2019
World Environment Day (WED) is being hosted by China on 5 June 2019 with the theme of Air Pollution. Man cannot stop breathing, but can do something about air quality.
WED was established in 1972, but first held in 1974. 143 countries take part in the Day which focuses on environmental concerns that cover pollution, global warming, sustainable food production, and protection of wildlife.
Approximately 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution, with about 4 million of these occurring in the Asia-Pacific region.
WED 2019 will urge governments, industry, communities and individuals to come together globally to explore renewable energy and green technologies, as well as improve air quality in cities and regions.
Key air pollution facts include:
- 92% of people worldwide do not breathe clean air;
- air pollution costs the global economy $5 trillion every year in welfare costs; and
- ground level ozone pollution is expected to reduce staple crop yields by 26% by 2030.