
Cyan harvesting time in Diber, Albania

12 Jul, 2021


CNVP Albania in the framework of the LED project financed by the Swedish Embassy is providing support to farmers in Diber regions in order to increase the surface and incomes of cultivated MAPs.
More than 20 farmers in Melan and Maqellara Administrative Units of Diber Municipality are supported with seeds and seedlings of Cyan and Red Clover. After planting, farmers continued with other services like irrigation and removing weeds. There has been no treatment with chemicals in planted areas.
Harvesting started at beginning of June. Promises good yields are expected to be 15 to 20 kv or 1500-2000 kg/ha and an income of about 10.000 to 14.000 Euro/ha.
All families members are working in the field panted with MAP. They express that they are very interested to continue dealing with these plants, as they see value in them. They have a lot of lands that they think that as well in the future want to plant different varieties of MAPs, this comes as well as established very good relationship with the local business. The project has facilitated support with the seedlings through the local business and provided needed technical support in agri-cultural works needed for the land.
The young girl of the Rexhep Ilnica family expresses that she is studying and with the money, they do with the MAPS she will pay for the studies and support the family income. Working as a family has an impact on the workforce.  
Together with the farmers, the extensionist of the business “Zyber Gjoni” has prepared planning in terms of costs calculation for the land needs in all levels of interventions. The farmers have an interest when producing certified bio and using family members as labor. Farmers have a very good relationship with the collection business and receive from him technical advice, especially those related to the time of collection, method of collection, and drying process.