
CNVP signed two MoU’s with Municipality of Kaçanik and Kamenica

17 Mar, 2023


During this week, CNVP Kosovo Director Xhevat Lushi signed two Memorandums of Understandings with mayor of Kaçanik, Besim Ilazi and mayor of Kamenica, Kadri Rahimaj for cooperation and coordination of activities for wood-biomass production and use, and quality management for biomass district heating system.

The agreement covers the cooperation between CNVP and respective municipalities on preparation activities, organisational activities and the collection of information for the preparation and finalisation of the project proposal for wood biomass production and use, as well as quality management for biomass heating system. 

As foreseen in the document, the municipality will ensure the existence of a sufficient level and quality information that will be used for the needs of the implementation of its activities of the project, while CNVP will provide expertise and logistical support in finalizing the proposal on heating system based on wood biomass, which will be submitted then by municipality to the funding institutions.

Based on the case study for Kaçanik and Kamenica conducted by CNVP, it has been shown that both municipalities have potential to supply biomass from local forest resources and additional benefiting the substitution of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas savings, energy savings and increased efficiency. Similar MoU was signed in February also with the municipality of Shtime.

In addition to the MoU’s, in the framework of the SUNREED project funded by the Embassy of Sweden/Sida, CNVP is cooperating with municipalities and Associations of Private Forest Owners (APFO’s) to engage in non-wood forestry product markets, capacity building and workshops, including Women and Youth Producers Groups (WYPG’s).