
Four Workshop Series to Enhance Social Awareness and Capacities in Private Forest Owners Association

26 Dec, 2023


In a significant initiative aimed at fostering positive change and sustainable practices, CNVP Kosovo recently concluded a series of workshops addressing critical aspects of social awareness. These workshops covered essential topics such as combating corruption, implementing transparency and accountability, public communication, gender equality, and conflict resolution. The comprehensive training series sought to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complex landscape of private forest ownership associations.

The first workshop concentrated on gender equality which aimed to address its importance within private forest ownership associations. Participants explored strategies for integrating gender issues into the core activities of their associations, fostering inclusivity and diversity in decision-making processes.

The second workshop highlighted the significance of effective public communication and engagement in an interconnected world. Participants gained insights into crafting impactful messages, managing public relations, and leveraging social platforms to enhance the visibility of their forest management efforts. The goal was to equip them with the tools needed to communicate their initiatives effectively to a broader audience.

The principles of combating corruption took center stage in the third workshop, which emphasized the importance of ethical practices within the realm of forest management. Attendees delved into strategies for implementing transparency and accountability, aligning their practices with international standards to ensure responsible stewardship of forest resources.

The final workshop focused on communication, management, and conflict resolution, providing participants with valuable skills to navigate challenges within their associations. These conflict resolution strategies aimed to create a harmonious working environment and enhance the overall effectiveness of private forest management practices.

Organized by CNVP Kosovo, these workshops collectively sought to raise awareness and build capacities related to gender equality, discrimination prevention, and the integration of sustainable and inclusive practices within private forest ownership associations. The initiative reflects a commitment to driving positive change and advancing ethical, transparent, and equitable practices within the private forest management sector.