
Eco- friendly practices for promoting biodiversity protection and economic wellbeing.

12 Feb, 2024


Eco friendly practices for promoting biodiversity protection and economic wellbeing.

In a promising development for sustainable forestry, private forest owners and local farmers in Kosovo are increasingly turning to fast-growing tree plantations, showing a significant shift towards eco-friendly practices.

In the framework of Sida funded, SUNREED project, CNVP Kosovo is supporting farmers and businesses to increase and diversify production as the result of sustainable management practices for forest lands. Recently, CNVP has entered into partnership agreements to support the establishment of plantations with fast growing tree species such as poplar and black locust with the aim of enhancing biomass production and supporting local wood processors. The partnership objectives also involve the rehabilitation of degraded forests and the establishment of plantations with species which are particularly well-suited to the region's climatic conditions. Furthermore, not only this initiative aligns with environmental conservation efforts but it also promises economic benefits for both local farmers and wood processors.

The growing interest among farmers in establishing fast-growing tree plantations is truly encouraging, and these plantations in addition to their contribution in climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon they also provide a sustainable source of timber for various industries. Fast-growing tree species such as Poplar and Black Locust are recognized for their fast growth rates and have wide applications in industries.

The project will also support the establishment of local nurseries to produce seedlings for these species which underscores our commitment to promoting regional biodiversity and enhancing the resilience of local ecosystems.

Local stakeholders are optimistic that this initiative will serve as a promising model for sustainable land management practices and contribution to the long-term ecological and economic well-being of the region.