
RWoP was on a study visit to Albania

20 May, 2024


Rural Women of Prespa (RWoP) was on a study visit to Albania on May 17–19, 2024. To benefit from understanding closely the concept of agrotourism and the way of connecting organic products, from cultivation to the final consumer, including the importance of customer service, the farm Blerina Bombaj, Agrotourism, was visited. During the visit, RWoP understood in detail the way of plantation and growing of bio vegetables on the farm and the special cultivation in the greenhouses of Blerina Bombaj Farm in the village of Laknsa, Tirana, Albania.

The second study visit was realized at one of the most popular MAP processing companies in Albania, Gjedra, Berat. During the visit, RWoP had the opportunity to become acquainted with the process of collecting and processing various MAP products, including tea. The packaging, processing, and sale of the company's products were the special highlights that sparked common discussion among the participants. The main manager of Gjedra, who is also a woman, shared her views and perspectives on the sector, which was highly appreciated by the RWoP.

The third study visit took place in the suburbs of Berat, at the nursery of Nderim Qato. This nursery introduced the participants to the wide diversity of forest and agricultural seedlings that it cultivates and then sells to interested customers. The original way of cultivation, without the use of pesticides, makes Nderim Qato's nursery more special and demanding.

The participants from RWoP, a unique network of women, during the study visit with all parties, shared their experiences from the Prespa region, in particular the cultivation and challenges facing Prespa tea and catering activities. The participating women also discussed the plant sector in general and the environment that surrounds them during their work.

The study visit was organized and implemented by the CNVP offices in North Macedonia and Albania. This visit was considered very successful by all parties, begin committing to cool collaboration and knowledge sharing in the future, and successful practices will help the parties improve their work and efficiency even further.

This study visit is part of the project "Empowering Women for NTFP's Development of Prespa," implemented by the CNVP North Macedonia, with financial support from PONT, through which Rural Women of Prespa are supported. The project aims to increase the internal capacities of the RWoP organization, for the use of bioproducts and non-wood forest products in the region of Prespa for catering activities.