
Study Visit to Slovenia - CNVP Kosovo and stakeholders of Kosovo's forestry sector

10 Jun, 2024



Last week marked a successful study visit to Slovenia for our CNVP Kosovo team, accompanied by key private stakeholders in the forestry sector.

The main points covered during the visit in cooperation with Slovenian institutions were: Organization development of Forest Associations and functionin in Slovenia; (Forest) Association Service delivery to their members; Explore possibilities and to develop a partnership between Slovenian Forest association and National Private Forest Owners in Kosovo; General aspects of forest management; Management plans for private forest owners; Policies and Legal frame work on forest administration/management and Subsidy schemes to private forest owners; Legal framework and procedures for harvesting of private forest; relations between forest owners and forest administration; multiuse of private forest; Harvesting; Logging; Transporting; Storing of woods and wood biomass; and Use of woodchips on heating systems.

The aim of the study trip was to visit Private Forest Owners in Slovenia, to analyze/study, to see its operation and providing services to its members and practical examples from forest work. The aim was also to create meaningful partnerships and explore possibilities for mutual growth and development.