
Training on conversion of beech coppice forests into high forests in Nikšić, Montenegro

14 Jun, 2024


Training on conversion of beech coppice forests into high forests in Montenegro/Nikšić.
As part of the Integrated forest management project along the Drin River, funded by Austrian Development Agency and implemented by ICEP - weltweit mehr unternehmen and CNVP , a two- day training with field exercises was held on the topic of conversion of beech coppice forests into high forests in Montenegro/Nikšić.
The measurement techniques were presented and marking of trees was done on the experimental plot.
Prof. Ph.D. Cemal Višnjić presented the processed results of the measurements on the experimental plot and possible directions for the development of the stand. Positive examples of conversion in the countries of the region were also shared.
The participants had the opportunity to discuss the obtained results and give proposals for possible directions of silviculture activities for the given forest area.
Techniques for marking trees for selective thinning on the experimental plot were performed.
The training was attended by more than 20 forestry experts who work in the forestry of Montenegro, especially those who deal with coppice forests.