
On June 19 and 20, CNVP/PONT sub-grantees participated in a study visit to Shkoder, Albania

20 Jun, 2024


On June 19 and 20, sub-grantees of the CNVP/PONT project, focusing on the collection and cultivation of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs), participated in a two-day study visit in Shkoder, Albania. Participants included members from the association of women farmers "Moja Farma" from Gostivar, the association of women CIRZ from Tetovo, and representatives from the local business Gostilica Samet.

The study visit began with a trip to Mrizi i Zanave, where participants explored a successful model of rural tourism. During the walking tours, they had the opportunity to observe and learn about all the key elements that make up this comprehensive rural tourism concept.

On the second day of the study visit, participants visited the LNL Company in Koplik, Malesi e Madhe, near the Albanian Alps. This company is strategically located in an area rich with medicinal and aromatic herbs. LNL Company sources raw materials from a vast network of hundreds of individual harvesters and regional collectors, primarily from Northern Albania. At the LNL company, the participants had the opportunity to see how the processing and drying of different types of medicinal aromatic plants is done.

The next stop was a visit to the local business Salvia Nord, which supplies over 3500 local producers with tea seedlings and plays a major role in the value system of this region. Talking to the chief engineer agronomist, the grantees had the opportunity to gain knowledge on what they should pay attention to when growing the seedlings so that the cultivation process of medicinal aromatic plants can be successful. After the conversation we visited several plantations with medicinal aromatic plants. During the visit, participants had the opportunity to observe the controlled organic cultivation of various medicinal and aromatic plants.

At the MEIA Company they also witnessed the processing and distillation of MAPS into natural essential oils, gaining valuable insights into best practices for organic cultivation and advanced processing techniques. At MEIA Company, participants learned about the sustainable cultivation of MAPs, including Mediterranean plants, particularly lavender. This visit provided a comprehensive understanding of sustainable practices in the cultivation and processing of MAPs, highlighting techniques that can be applied to their own projects. They also witnessed the processing and distillation of these plants into natural essential oils, gaining valuable insights into best practices for organic cultivation and advanced processing techniques. This experience aims to enhance their knowledge and capabilities in the sustainable cultivation and processing of MAPs.

The final destination vas a Reci Cooperative, where the participants were informed about chestnut drying and production and issues related to that.

The study visit to Shkoder, Albania, is part of the project "Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Shar, Korab Koritnik, and the Albanian Alps." This project is implemented by CNVP with financial support from Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT).