
Open call for a national consultant to support the implementation of IFM project

10 Jul, 2024


CNVP Foundation is implementing the “Integrated Forest Management along the Drin River Basin” project. It is a regional project managed by the Austrian Development NGO ICEP (Association for Global Development) and is funded by ADA (Austrian Development Agency).

The project will strengthen IFM along the Drin River Basin by implementing pilots that complement the latest policy developments and integrate local communities. The project applies a multi-stakeholder approach, integrating national and international experts as well as local communities, central and local authorities, and on-going initiatives.

The long-term impact is to contribute to climate change mitigation and sustainable development along the Drin River through strengthened IFM. Through the set measures, the living condition of rural communities in the target areas will be improved. The overall outcome of the project will be increased socio-economic and environmental benefits for local communities through ecosystem services, strengthened by the application of IFM methods, afforestation and the protection of biodiversity.

In order to facilitate the successful implementation of the project, CNVP Albania is seeking to engage a national consultant to provide expertise on species and habitat restoration along Drini river Basin in Albania.  

The deadline for submitting the applications is 20 July 2024 17:00 hrs.

To apply please send your CV (euro pass), financial offer and a short methodology to:

Detailed ToRs can be found in the link below:


ToRs for the consultancy