
New Solar-Powered Drying Facility Boosts Agricultural Productivity in Kukes, Albania

31 Jul, 2024


CNVP Albania, through its LED project funded by Embassy of Sweden in Tirana and implemented in partnership with MAPs companies and municipalities, is proud to extend its outreach to new regions and farmers across the country.
Recently, a new modern drying facility has been established in the Kukes region in partnership with the Herba Fruta MAPs exporter company. This facility aims to support a local consolidator and provide access to more than 150 farmers of the area.
Kukes region, renowned for its rich wild medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) and forest fruits, counts many rural families engaged in harvesting these natural resources. The newly built drying facility, powered by solar energy, marks a major advancement in the agricultural sector. It reduces the drying period of MAPs by more than three times, maintains high quality, and eliminates the loss of various MAP products.
This innovative facility offers local families the opportunity to collect more products, save time and labor in post-harvest processes, and ultimately increase their incomes.
CNVP Albania is committed to support sustainable development, providing the necessary infrastructure and support to enhance the productivity and economic well-being of rural families.
LED project exemplifies the potential of renewable energy in transforming traditional agricultural practices and boosting local economies.