
Mayors Lead the Way: CNVP Kosovo Meets with Podujeva and Lipjan Leaders on Green Initiatives

13 Sep, 2024


CNVP Kosovo was pleased to meet with two forward-thinking mayors dedicated to advancing the Green Agenda and enhancing environmental protection.
Our team, led by Country Director Xhevat Lushi along with Egzon Tahirukaj and Hajrush Kurtaj, was invited for productive discussions with Mr. Shpejtim Bulliqi, Mayor of Podujeva Municipality, and Mr. Imri Ahmeti, Mayor of Lipjan Municipality. Mimoza Tafarshiku from the Agency for Regional Development (Center) also attended the meetings.
These meetings underscored their commitment to sustainable development and energy transition. Key topics included exploring heating solutions for the two municipalities using heat from biomass, a significant step toward greener and more efficient energy systems.
In Lipjan, Mayor Ahmeti highlighted how such initiatives of transitioning to biomass heating systems align with European Union green policies and improve the city’s overall well-being.
The CNVP team elaborated on the SUNREED project interventions, including support for sustainable forest management plans, silvicultural work, and the production of wood chips (biomass) which are now being used to supply local biomass heating systems.
Both mayors are leading the charge for a greener future by investing in projects that enhance energy efficiency and support sustainable development. We’re excited about the potential impacts of these initiatives and look forward to continued collaboration.
Together, we can create healthier environments and support our communities’ long-term well-being!
These initiatives were organized as part of the project “Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for Environment and Economic Development” (SUNREED), which is funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina and implemented by CNVP Kosovo.