
CNVP Albania Participates in Prespa Net Annual Meeting

05 Apr, 2018


CNVP Albania attended the annual meeting of Prespa Net held on 29-30 March 2018 in Oteshevo, Macedonia.

Prespa Net is a trilateral cross-border cooperation in Prespa initiated by Greece’s Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) and the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES). Together, these three organisations are working to form a permanent network of environmental NGOs for for the preservation of Prespa Park. The network aims to coordinate and work together with national parks and the local community to contribute to environmental protection in Prespa by ensuring harmonious development with nature. This involves: facilitating the exchange of information between neighbouring countries; lobbying for better management of the environment; assisting countries in technical measures; and monitoring and studying the rich diversity of species and habitats present in Prespa Park.

The Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) participated in the meeting. This transboundary conservation fund was established in November 2015, and is dedicated to conserving the region and its rich natural and cultural heritage by providing effective long-term funding support to the region’s national parks and conservation organizations.

Prespa Net invited CNVP Albania to outline its work in Prespa National Park, and explore opportunities for future collaboration. Points covered in the presentation included the organisation of CNVP Albania, its local offices, indicators used, environmental protection in Prespa National Park, sustainability of harvesting forest products, and socio-economic development in area.