
Steady steps toward sustainable income generation for MAP producers in Malesia e Madhe

16 Sep, 2020


CNVP Albania is committed to explore and pilot local economic development opportunities for rural communities, more specifically through its Sida funded LED project, by supporting MAP producers with free seedlings of the most market demanded MAP varieties. 

What are some initial achievements?

Two producers from Pjetroshan village in "Malesia e Madhe" were supported to plant Thyme in their land last October. About 48000 free thyme seedlings were provided to the producers to plant one hectare of land. Although MAPs are perennial plants, Thyme was the one variety that was harvested just one year after its plantation. Producers were able to make the first harvesting in September 2020, getting about 1800 kg of fresh thyme (about 50 % of the optimal production capacity), selling it for about 2400 Euro. They already have been facilitated to sign “Contract Farming” with “LNL Herbs” Company, solving thus one of the main bottlenecks of the MAP sector- Market Security. In the coming years, these producers are expecting to double their incomes from the planted area. 

There are over 70 MAP producers supported with seeds and seedlings in the four regions of Albania where the LED project is being implemented. The optimal production and incomes from the planted MAPs are expected in the coming years (most MAPs are perennial and start their production in the second year).