
Application of silviculture/phytosanitary methods for the improvement of chestnut forests in Kosovo

09 Dec, 2020


In the framework of the SSPDF Project in Kosovo, CNVP has continued to support the implementation of the best practices of innovative silviculture/phytosanitary treatments of the existing chestnut forests in the west part of Kosovo.  

In this regard, on 03 December 2020, CNVP Kosovo in close cooperation with the Association of Private Forest Owners (APFO) Bjeshket e Rugoves from Peja has organized training for APFO members and beneficiaries of the process of revitalization of the chestnut forest. Within the selected forest area experimental parcels were set up by applying different alternative methods of treatment and fight against the disease, methods for protection against disease infection.

Following the expert’s instructions and technical assistance, APFO members had the opportunity to apply innovative practices to maintain remaining trees and new stems through silviculture/phytosanitary interventions and breeding with trees that have natural adaption to survey. During the intervention, the APFO members had the opportunity to use the tools that were supported by the SSPDF Project. 

These interventions will hugely contribute to improving the health status and production as well as the community interest and opportunity to revert chestnut cultivation into a profitable agroforestry business for income generation and self-employment. 

Due to the situation with the COVID 19 pandemic, the participants respected the social distancing and protection measures. 

This activity was supported by the SIDA-funded project that is being implemented by CNVP Kosovo - Strengthening Sustainable Private and Decentralized Forestry.