
Database of local mountain tea collectors

04 Feb, 2022


CNVP is actively involved in the region of Prespa, with a special focus on Prespa’s tea. Within the project "Empowering women for NTFP's development of Prespa", the activities planned for this period of the year, are focused on creating a list of mountain tea collectors from the Prespa region, with the ultimate goal of establishing a database of mountain tea collectors.
The importance of this activity is related to increasing the awareness to the local tea collectors, including them in coordination meetings, hereby emphasizing the importance of the proper collection of mountain tea, and in the future including them deeper in the project activities.
The project "Empowering women for NTFP's development of Prespa" is implemented by the organization CNVP, with financial support from PONT. The project aims to increase the internal capacities of the organization RWoP, for the use of bioproducts and non-timber forest products from the Prespa region for catering activities.