
CNVP North Macedonia team part of the MOVING workshop in Budapest, Hungary

06 Nov, 2023


CNVP- MOVING Project team and stakeholders from our reference region, Maleshevski (North Macedonia) is attending meeting of all 23 regions engaged in the project and 100 representatives of the diverse value chains active in European mountain areas which takes place in Budapest, Hungary.

The MOVING workshop, "Unlocking the power of mountain value chains",  is organised as part of the cross-case comparison of value chains and the foresight exercise. It aims to identify gaps, discuss implications, and co-create recommendations for enabling environments in mountain areas, with a strong focus on the resilience and sustainability.

From 5th to 8th of November, 2023, CNVP- MOVING Project team will have an opportunity to exchange and reflect on the barriers and opportunities linked to the presence of natural sites in mountain areas, its implications for mountain value chains, and good practices from each region. Along with our representatives from the working group : Jasminka Pashaliska- Andonova ( NGO representative, Municipality of Pehcevo) and Gjorgji Peovski (Head of LER office, Municipality of Beovo) we will promote selected local products from the Maleshvski Region and we’ll participate on study visit, to meet Hungarian producers.

Participants will explore five major topics addressed by the MOVING clusters — (i) social and demographic change, (ii) value and quality products, (iii) innovation and infrastructure, (iv) nature and ecosystem services, and (v) governance— integrating regional foresight exercises and fostering exchanges between stakeholders.

The key objectives of the workshop are: 

  • Introduce and discuss the results of the MOVING project and their relevance to the future of mountain areas.
  • Provide the opportunity to get to know, and share experiences with people from other mountain regions with similar interests and concerns to your own.
  • Involve you in identifying what is needed from our communities, businesses and policy-makers to “unlock the power of mountain products” for supporting the future of mountain areas.