
Fast growing tree species - CNVP Kosovo study visit to Hungary

14 Mar, 2018


CNVP Kosovo undertook a study visit to Hungary during 5-9 March 2018, accompanied by staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) (Department of Forestry) and the Kosovo Forestry Agency. The visit focused on best practices for planting fast growing tree species which are profitable for the land owner, and supply the wood industry with better quality timber.

Meetings were held with representatives of Hungary’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, the Forestry research Institute in Sarvar and the University of Forestry in Sopron, as well as organisations in the private sector. The visit included field visits to plantation sites for Robinia pseudoacacia L, which is used as wood biomass for energy and industrial processing, and poplar which provides raw material for heating plants.

The visit allowed the exchange of experiences on management and governance issues related to fast growing tree species. It also helped to establish a cooperation partnership between Hungary and Kosovo concerning policy/strategy for sustainable forest management incuding fast growing tree species, renewable energy, climate change, agroforestry, rural development, demonstrations and innovation.

The visit was supported through the SIDA-funded project, Strengthening Sustainable Private and Decentralized Forestry. Being implemented by CNVP Kosovo, the project involves strengthening sustainable forest management, developing wood bio-mass for renewable energy, and supporting the development of rural businesses and supply chains that will improve rural incomes through improved cooperation amongst local and regional stakeholders.