
Training for rural CSOs to improve representation and lobbying

29 Jun, 2018


The EU-funded project National Rural Parliament as a voice of the rural citizens is helping to develop the capacities of more than 40 CSOs in Macedonia so that they can become more actively involved in advocacy and lobbying for improved rural development.

The project team, including staff of CNVP Macedonia, delivered the third and final training for rural CSOs. About 20 representatives of civil society organizations from the western part of Macedonia participated in Ohrid during 26 to 28 July 2018. CSO representatives gained skills in:

  1. improving dialogue with stakeholders/decision-makers;
  2. establishing partnerships;
  3. implementing networking activities; and
  4. lobbying and advocacy.

This event complemented similar training that was given in Pehcevo during 6 to 8 June 2018 for rural CSOs from the eastern part of Macedonia.