
22 Mar

Exchange of experience between group of livestock farmers from North Macedonia and Kosovo

A group of around 20 farmers from North Macedonia recently visited a livestock farm in Kosovo to learn more about best practices for raising healthy and productive animals and also producing special products of cheese and meat.

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21 Mar

CNVP North Macedonia organized workshop on financial management and accounting for NGOs in Prespa

On March 18 in Resen, within the project Empowering women for NTFP's development of Prespa implemented by CNVP North Macedonia and financially supported by PONT, the second part of the workshop on effective financial management and accounting in non-profit organizations was held.

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21 Mar

CNVP Kosovo marked International Day of Forests with students and APFO in Lipjan

A group of primary school students have planted trees in a “miniature forest” placed at "Ismail Luma” school, to mark the International Day of Forests, in an awareness raising event organized by CNVP Kosovo and APFO in Lipjan

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17 Mar

CNVP signed two MoU’s with Municipality of Kaçanik and Kamenica

During this week, CNVP Kosovo Director Xhevat Lushi signed two Memorandums of Understandings with mayor of Kaçanik, Besim Ilazi and mayor of Kamenica, Kadri Rahimaj for cooperation and coordination of activities for wood-biomass production and use.

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08 Mar

CNVP Albania celebrates International Women's Day

To all those amazing women and girls, we have worked with through the years and everywhere: - "Happy International Women's Day"! In recognition of your outstanding contribution in the society!

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02 Mar

CNVP attends World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) in Austria

CNVP Kosovo is attending World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), which is taking place in Wels/Austria from 28 February – 3 March under the slogan 2023: Energy transition = Energy security!

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24 Feb

CNVP Kosovo and NAPFO discuss priority activities for 2023

The progress on implementation of the activities for 2022 and the plan of activities for 2023 were discussed in a workshop with the National Association of Private Forest Owners (NAPFO) organized by CNVP Kosovo.

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23 Feb

Vacancy - Project Coordinator

CNVP Kosovo is hiring a project coordinator to coordinate the implementation of a three-year project funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) on Integrated Forest Management (IFM) along the Drin River Basin.

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