
14 Feb

CNVP Albania Wins Seat on National Forest Council

CNVP Albania has been elected as a member of the National Forest Council under the new Forest Law. This prestigious council, comprising 13 institutions, academia, and civil society organizations, is tasked with overseeing and advancing the forestry.

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13 Feb

Safer trails to explore the Albanian Alps

CNVP Albania, with financial support from PONT, is supporting local communities in the Albanian Alps and Korab Koritnik Protected Areas for building infrastructure and offering nature -based tourism.

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12 Feb

Eco- friendly practices for promoting biodiversity protection and economic wellbeing.

CNVP Kosovo is supporting local farmers and businesses to increase and diversify production by applying eco-friendly practices for biodiversity protection and economic wellbeing.

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12 Feb

More income opportunities for households in Sinje village, Berat, Albania

CNVP Albania is supporting households in Sinjë village to increase their incomes by cultivating sage, one of the most market demanded MAP variety.

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12 Feb

Отворен повик за доставување на понуди за набавка на шок ладилник

КИТКА-ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛ ДООЕЛ С. Вратница, објавува јавен повик за доставување на понуди за набавка на шок ладилник.

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06 Feb

Celebrating International Wetlands Day in Albania

World Wetlands Day, celebrated annually on 2 February aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and planet.

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06 Feb

The CNVP project team conducted monitoring visits to 13 organizations, beneficiaries of grants

From January 17 to February 2, the CNVP project team conducted comprehensive visits to 13 organizations, beneficiaries of grants within the project " Sustainable use of natural resources in Shar, Korab-Koritnik and the Albanian Alps" financially supported by Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust - PONT.

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06 Feb

Coordination meeting between CNVP, PONT and Association of Rural Women of Prespa

On February 2, 2024, a coordination meeting was held between the CNVP, PONT, and the Association of Rural Women of Prespa (RWoP), discussing the project progress implementation activities. It was emphasized that the project activities are being implemented in a very successful manner, through a very inclusive approach from all members (women) of the association.

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31 Jan