
03 Jun

A new project signed between CNVP and PONT

The strategic partnership between CNVP and PONT continues, until now several projects and initiatives have been successfully implemented aiming nature conservation in Prespa-Ohrid as well as Korab-Shar region.

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31 May

CNVP Kosovo Participates at Swedish Embassy's "Pop-Up Embassy" Event in Prizren

On May 31st, 2025, the Embassy of Sweden in Kosovo organized a successful event in Prizren that not only celebrated Swedish values but also cultivated connections with Kosovar citizens. Among the array of partners present, CNVP Kosovo showcased the products of their beneficiaries from the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for Environment and Economic Development (SUNREED) project. CNVP, dedicated to sustainable development and environmental conservation, showcased various honey products and t

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30 May

CNVP and PONT teams visited sub-grantees in Mavrovo and Shar Mountain National Parks

On May 30, the CNVP North Macedonia teams, along with the PONT team, visited part of the PONT sub-grantees who are implementing projects in Mavrovo National Park.

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23 May

Field Visit with EU Office Representatives

We were pleased to host representatives who are spearheading the Green Agenda and Territorial Development at the European Office in Kosovo for an insightful field day, offering a firsthand look at CNVP Kosovo's efforts in advancing sustainable forestry initiatives in Kosovo.

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20 May

RWoP was on a study visit to Albania

Rural Women of Prespa (RWoP) was on a study visit to Albania on May 17–19, 2024. To benefit from understanding closely the concept of agrotourism and the way of connecting organic products, from cultivation to the final consumer, including the importance of customer service, the farm Blerina Bombaj, Agrotourism, was visited.

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17 May

ЦНВП Северна Македонија објавува отворен повик за ангажирање на видео продукција

Повик за доставување на понуди: Набавка на услуга за снимање и монтажа на 10 (десет) кратки видеа во времетраење од 2 до 4 минути.

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14 May

CNVP North Macedonia team held 2 info sessions as part of the open call for grants

On May 30 and 31 in Tetovo and Gostivar, the CNVP North Macedonia team held 2 info sessions as part of the second open call for grants, which is part of the project

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30 Apr

CNVP-MOVING team visiting certified eco-tourism offers in Romania

From 22nd to 26th of April, 2024, CNVP MOVING team participated in study tour in Romania, along with MOVING representatives from Hungary and Serbia and representatives of their value chains. The CNVP MOVING team was represented by the Country Director, Nehat Ramadani and Project Officer, Merita Kuli, Maleshevski Region MAP Member, Gjorgji Peovski, Head of the Office for Local Economic Development, Municipality of Berovo represented the working group from the project region.

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19 Apr

CNVP Северна Македонија го објавува вториот отворен повик за доделување на грантови

CNVP Северна Македонија го објавува вториот отворен повик за доделување на грантови како дел од проектот „Одржливо користење на природните ресурси во Кораб-Коритник, Шара и Албанските Алпи“. финансиски поддржан од Фонд за природа „Преспа – Охрид“ ПОНТ.

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