
Land Consolidation in Macedonia

12 May, 2015


CNVP Macedonia is engaged in implementation of the ongoing project on Land Consolidation in Macedonia, providing specific expertise on land management practices. The project “Support to the formulation and implementation of a national land consolidation programme" is jointly implemented by the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) and FAO.

Using the current legal framework for Land Consolidation, the project will implement land consolidation (LC) in two areas. The area in Egri village near Bitola is a large scale Land Consolidation on more than 200 ha. The second area is implemented in Konce near Radovis. In this area a voluntary based approach is used where farmers have the opportunity to join in the project activities based on their needs and interest for land consolidation.

CNVP is providing input through its expert on land consolidation in the project activities in the area of Konce, Radovis. This is the same area where CNVP was engaged during STIMERALD (2010-2012) project implementation in similar activities related to land consolidation. Expertise will be provided in the project through:

  • Assist the project in the formulation of the relevant work plans

  • Lead the field work in the pilot community in close cooperation with the MAFWE team leader and national consultants

  • Implement a public awareness campaign in the pilot community

  • Interview stakeholders and lead the preparation of a map showing ownership and use rights of the pilot community and assess options for land consolidation, and assist with the registration of abandoned land;

  • Lead the preparation of the draft plan for the re-allotment of parcels in the pilot community

  • Assist in the socio-economic and participatory assessment of the pilot community;

  • Assist in the preparation of the community area development plan for the pilot community;

  • Provide overall input in LC as per need in both pilots.

The project aims to complete two practical Land Consolidations improving the land infrastructure. The project started in spring 2015 and will last till April 2016 with expected extension in a next phase.