Analysing opportunities for eco-tourism and NTFPs in Prespa region

CNVP Albania and Macedonia are engaged in implementing two consultancy contracts with Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT). These are focused on (a) providinge long term financing for the conservation and sustainable management of biological diversity, (b) supporting natural processes, and (c) developing ecosystem services in Prespa and its wider area for the benefit of nature and the people in the region. PONT is supporting Protected Areas (PAs) and Environmental Actors (EAs) in the Wider Prespa Area of Macedonia, Greece and Albania.
CNVP will provide inputs for the Wider Prespa Area of Albania and Macedonia covering:
- an assessment of challenges and opportunities for local actions concerning small-scale production, processing and marketing of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs); and
- a review of initiatives and actions concerning sustainable tourism in protected areas.
Results to be achieved concerning NTFPs cover:
- a review of initiatives and actions related to the sustainable use of NTFPs;
- a summary of current policy actions, plans and strategies, as well as issues and trends regarding sustainable use of NTFPs, and identified challenges and opportunities for local actions referring to small-scale production, processing and marketing of NTFPs.
Results to be achieved concerning eco-tourism cover:
- a review of initiatives and actions concerning sustainable tourism in protected areas since the early 1990s, with a focus on governance arrangements for participation of local communities and other stakeholders;
- an analysis of initiatives/actions taken, and lesson learned from previous experiences;
- a summary of current policy actions, plans and strategies, with trends regarding sustainable tourism in protected areas; and
- recommendations on the main areas of intervention to maximize the success of future efforts with focus on the role of environmental actors.